
Panels and Presentations are divided between nine tracks. Follow along with what interests you or mix and match your experience throughout the symposium.


The Art track features panels and presentations on improving your artistic skills.

Example Panels:
Brett Helquist Keynote (the illustrator behind the “A Series of Unfortunate Events” books)
How to Publish a Coloring Book
Start Your Creativity Engines


The academics track consists of academic papers and occasional presentations, written and presented by professors, students, and independent scholars. Topics cover a wide range, from literary analysis of speculative fiction books and movies to presentations of new science and technology. Some previous papers have been published in our proceedings volume, Deep Thoughts, available at


So much of LTUE is about writing, these are panels about reading books and why we love them.


The editing track is focused on editing, for both authors and professional editors. Come hear from experienced editors and authors how to clean up and polish your stories.


From being a game master to board game creation and video games and beyond, LTUE has a variety of panels and presentations on Gaming.

Professional Development

The career path for a creator can be daunting. These panels give you direction on how to improve yourself careerwise.

Theater/Media Arts

Learn about creating and discovering the best of science fiction, fantasy, and horror film, theater, and related media. Discover new greats in the film festival.


Every good story needs a good setting. These panels are all about crafting and researching the world behind your story—this world included!


The majority of content at LTUE is about writing. Hear from authors on topics from how they conquer roadblocks to creating fantastic stories.