LTUE Kaffeeklatsch

Enjoy small group interaction with your favorite creators Thursday February 13th through Saturday February 15th, 2025. 

Kaffeeklatsches are in the Boardroom near the South Elevators.

Kaffeeklatsch require a sign-up (first come, first served).
Sign-up sheets for each creator will be on the table near the door of the boardroom each morning for the creator sessions that day. 




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noun – for LTUE purposes Cafe-Claawtch(klatsch literally means chatter) – a small gathering of fans and creators of all types where LTUE members can connect and get to know each other.

Just as in the past as Filk Music became synonymous with Folk music for science fiction and fantasy, we want to give the idea of a small gathering at a Cafe. Tomayto Tomahto. 😀 😀 

Join your favorite creators in a small group where you can interact and ask questions directly.

LTUE 2025 Creators:


11am TBD

noon TBD

1pm TBD

2pm Jennifer Nielsen

3pm TBD

4pm TBD 



9:00 TBD

10am Cameron Hopkin

11am Rose Card-Faux

noon TBD

1pm Benjamin Hewitt

2pm Charles Stanford

3pm John Goodwin

5pm David Belt


10am Lehua Parker

11am Jennifer Hulet

noon Mari Murdock

1pm Isaac Stewart

2pm Peter Orullian

3pm Paul Durham