LTUE Makerspace Kickoff Part 2
LTUE blog Article Written by Nick Mills
Edited by Bren Laken. Article concept inspired by Stephan Fassmann.
LTUE 2023 is a maker space for the mind. Straight up, that’s our goal and purpose.
How great it is to have all kinds of experts come together and lend their knowledge and expertise to help others. Each panel, each presentation, even each person (expert or student) is an active part of our makerspace for the mind.
When you invite this combination of experts and students with varying experience from different backgrounds into the Provo Marriott Conference Center, the result is electrifying. Our ability and inner drive to learn, grow and create is enhanced by our LTUE vessel on this voyage of learning. We’ve all started from a limited background with limited experience and grown into what we are now. LTUE has helped many of us expand and share our skills. With this diverse makerspace of the mind, we can create all kinds of innovation.
A makerspace can be less of a physical area and more of a mindset that encourages growth and creativity. It can also be viewed metaphorically as a sort of kitchen you can use to cook up something new. We know that all good kitchens contain appliances (stove, fridge, dishwasher, microwave), tools (utensils, knives, cups, plates, bowls), equipment (mixers, blenders, etc.), recipe books, spices etc. A kitchen is a great parallel to a makerspace like the ones in many community and university libraries.
We can extend this parallel to include our LTUE programming. LTUE is a community of creators and facilitators. Each programming track can be considered as a parallel to the various parts of a community makerspace, and LTUE is a growing community of creators.
Many people refer to LTUE as a writers conference, but we are maturing and expanding. Each track has about 30 to 40 hours of panels, presentations or workshops. Each hour is filled with carefully planned topics and expertly chosen panelists, presenters and workshop leaders (guests).
The programming and popularity for each of these tracks is starting to catch up with the Writing track. The Writing track is still the most popular, but we have great guests for all tracks. Many of our guests are well known experts from local, national, and in some cases international locations. They join us to help make everything we offer a veritable makerspace for the mind. Our track heads leverage the knowledge and experience of the experts to provide the most interesting and informative programming possible.
Between now and February 2023, each track head will write their own blog article to describe their track programming plans and to share their direction for LTUE 41. Check our blog site from time to time as we share our preparation for the 2023 symposium. As LTUE grows, we hope you’ll grow with us.
See the LTUE About page to learn more about the LTUE programming tracks and the 2023 Symposium Committee.
Jennifer Nielsen
Jennifer Nielsen Thursday, February 13th, 2025 at 3:00 PM Executive Boardroom. Jennifer's Kaffeeklatsch The signup sheet will be on the table near the Boardroom door on Saturday Morning.Space is limited. First come first served. Thursday Feb 13th, 2025.3:00...
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LTUE a Makerspace for the Mind Part 1
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Jennifer Nielsen
Jennifer Nielsen Thursday, February 13th, 2025 at 3:00 PM Executive Boardroom. Jennifer's Kaffeeklatsch The signup sheet will be on the table near the Boardroom door on Saturday Morning.Space is limited. First come first served. Thursday Feb 13th, 2025.3:00...
We are proud to start announcing our LTUE 2025/LTUE 43 Guests of Honor, Toastmaster, and Special Guests. Please note that this page will be in flux for the next few months. Please check back regularly to see our progress.Paul DurhamLTUE 43 GUEST OF HONOR Paul Durham...

Ready for NaNoWriMo?
Ready for NaNoWriMo? LTUE Blog post Written by Stephan Fassman Edited by Nick Mills and Bren Laken NaNoWriMo starts NEXT week, and LTUE wants to encourage everyone to go for it this year (even if you only want to do it just a little bit). There’s a lot of stuff...

Writers and Gamers: Uncommon Inspiration, or a Common Thread?
Writers and Gamers: Uncommon Inspiration, or a Common Thread? Article Written by Ryan Bouche What do these writers have in common? Brandon Sanderson John Scalzi Margaret Weis Tracy Hickman Terry Pratchett Douglas Adams That's right! They are all best selling authors …...

LTUE a Makerspace for the Mind Part 1
LTUE a Makerspace for the Mind Part 1 LTUE blog Article Written by Bren Laken ("Master Chef")"Sous Chefs" Nick Mills, Stephan Fassmann, Dave Doering, Marny Parkin. Life, The Universe, and Everything (LTUE) Did you feel that? Just reading those words and thinking about...

James A. Owen
Article by James Artimus Owen “What did you do as a child that made the hours pass like minutes? Herein lies the key to your earthly pursuits.” ¬– C.G. Jung The Studio where I work and live – a century-old, renovated church – is very large, and mostly full: full of...